Blunders and Mistakes — An Analogy
It’s quite certain that in life people are gonna make mistakes, people are gonna make decisions and absolutely regret it afterwards, people are going to do all sorts of things that’s gonna make them feel like an idiot and it’s how life goes.
Mistakes and blunders are different from each other, quite different to be honest and I’d like to put an analogy to explain the difference.
Consider a pen, a pencil, a blank paper and an eraser.
The blank paper is an important person or any important phenomenon that matters. Pencil and pen denotes the actions and eraser is the.. I’ll explain through example.
Suppose you are writing something with the pencil, you’ve committed a mistake, you’ll simply erase it with the eraser and you’re good to go.
Now comes the pen, you are writing something with the pen and you’ve committed the same mistake, what will you do? You can’t erase it, you’ve to accept it, ignore it and have to just move on regardless.
Now you must think, having a pencil is always better, it’s the better alternative but that’s not the case. It’s although correct that pencil gives you the chance to revert back and correct your mistakes but it also gives you the assurance that you’ll always be able to go back, that you’ll be able to correct the mistakes. It’s just going to make you do more and more mistakes to the point where the eraser would vanish itself vanishing the mistakes done with the pencil.
Pencil will always give you the chance to revert back but it will never let you strengthen your mindset if you already know that you’ll be able to correct your mistakes.
Pen is something concrete, you’ll always be more cautious with it and would’ve never used it if it weren’t important because who would want to mess up anyway? But using it in the first place shows the importance. A pen is a very strong bond and you know making a mistake is going to cost you something and you’ll try your best not to. Whereas, Pencil is a very weak bond relatively because you’ll never be cautious.
Pen is a very strong bond whereas Pencil is just a bond. In life, it’s you whose gonna make the decision to adopt which one of these. To rather have a lot of pencils and erasers or have pens. Both will serve their purposes.
A pen might have a ugly paper because of all the mistakes that can’t be hidden but it’s the symbol of acceptance and strength whereas Pencil might have a very beautiful looking paper but only it knows how many times eraser was used to correct it which marks how shallow it is.
With pen, it’s obvious that you’re gonna make a blunder because you don’t make blunders with people that don’t matter to you. With them, you make mistakes.